Tagged: SEC

When Canadian Investors Must Report Investments (including those in Canada!) to the SEC

On September 17, 2019, the Financial Post reported that British Columbia Investment Management Corporation (BCIMC), one of Canada’s largest pension funds, inadvertently failed to report to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) $2.46 billion of its holdings in 98 Canadian companies, accounting for more than 20 percent of the investments required to be reported to the SEC. The reason – it appears that BCIMC’s investments in Canadian companies that report with the SEC (often referred to as “cross-listed” companies) were inadvertently omitted. The Financial Post reported that this was not the first time BCIMC had made errors in its SEC filings, citing a series of prior amendments filed to correct data from...

What Mining Companies Need to Accomplish Before 2021

In November 2018, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted new mining disclosure standards applicable to all SEC reporting companies, except those that report exclusively under the Multijurisdictional Disclosure System (MJDS). While the new rules will not take effect until 2021, that date is quickly approaching. Mining and mineral royalty companies should brook no further delay in their preparations. Below are a few of the important steps to get ready to comply with the new standards: Determining whether the company must or should comply with the SEC’s new requirements.  Does the company file a Form 20-F or Form 10-K annual report with the SEC? If the company files on MJDS Form 40-F,...

How to Avoid Being Required to Obtain Audit Partner Consents

SEC registration statements and certain annual reports require consents of experts (e.g., technical experts, audit firms, and investment banks that provide fairness opinions) named in the disclosure document. A recent development in Canada is that audit partners are now named in audit reports filed with audited financial statements. From an SEC perspective, the naming of both the audit partner and the audit firm in the audit report could require both parties to provide consent to the inclusion of the audit report in an SEC filing. The SEC has recently provided our firm informal guidance that in accordance with the principles of the multijurisdictional disclosure system (“MJDS”), the SEC will not require a separate...

Inline XBRL for Foreign Private Issuers – New SEC Guidance

Yesterday, the SEC published guidance regarding Inline XBRL. The SEC adopted rules for Inline XBRL in June 2018. For those of you whose first question is “what is Inline XBRL?”, Inline XBRL allows the XBRL data to be embedded directly into an “EDGARized” HTML document. This eliminates the need to prepare a separate XBRL exhibit. The goal of Inline XBRL was to simplify the XBRL process for issuers and to improve the usability of XBRL data for investors. As a reminder, foreign private issuers will be required to comply with Inline XBRL at the following times: Basis of Accounting Filer Status Fiscal Periods Ending On or After: U.S. GAAP Large accelerated filers June...

SEC Proposes to Greatly Expand Exemption from SOX 404 Auditor Attestation Requirement

The SEC has proposed revisions to the definition of an “accelerated filer” that would exempt most companies that have both a public float of common equity of less than $700 million and annual revenues of less than $100 million from the requirements of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX 404). If adopted, these revisions would exempt many Canadian cross-reporting companies from the SOX 404 auditor attestation requirement, thereby reducing the cost of cross-border reporting. The proposal is subject to a 60-day public comment period. Additional information is available in the SEC’s press release regarding the proposed new amendments here: sec.gov/news/press-release/2019-68.

Upcoming Webinar on the SEC’s New Mining Disclosure Rules – 2/26

You are invited to join us on February 26, 2019, at 11 am PT/2 pm ET, for a webinar discussing the SEC’s new mining disclosure rules. On October 31, 2018, the SEC adopted final rules effecting a complete overhaul of the technical disclosure requirements applicable to companies engaged in material mining operations, including royalties. Upon effectiveness in 2021, the new rules will replace the SEC’s decades-old guidelines, set forth in Industry Guide 7. The new rules will bring the U.S. reporting regime closer to global reporting standards, and will apply to all SEC reporting companies except those that report exclusively under the Canada-U.S. MJDS system. We will be providing an overview of the new...

What Cross-listed Canadian Companies Need to Know About the Impact of the U.S. Government Shutdown on SEC Operations

As a result of the partial U.S. government shutdown that began on December 22, 2018, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), one of nine federal agencies affected, recently published its Operations Plan Under a Lapse in Appropriations and Government Shutdown (sec.gov/files/sec-plan-of-operations-during-lapse-in-appropriations-2018.pdf), which went into effect on December 27, 2018. The Operations Plan offers important guidance regarding the significant impacts of the shutdown on the agency’s activities. Additional guidance is also available from the SEC’s Divisions of Corporation Finance (here: sec.gov/page/corpfin-section-landing) and Investment Management (here: sec.gov/investment-management). Issuers and practitioners should make contingency plans to address the effects upon ongoing or planned securities offerings, filings, and requests for interpretive guidance, among other things. A few important highlights:...

The SEC Adopts New Rules Regarding Mining Disclosure

On October 31, 2018, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) announced that it adopted rules to modernize mining property disclosure in order to harmonize SEC disclosure requirements with international standards. The SEC had proposed rules in June 2016 which received numerous comments and as a result a number of changes were made to the original proposed rules. A high level summary of the final rules and changes compared to the proposed rules can be found here: www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2018-248 The final rules provide for a two-year transition period so that a registrant will not be required to begin to comply with the new rules until its first fiscal year beginning on or...

What if You Miss the Deadline to File a Form D?

As a continuation of our August 9 post regarding the deadline for Canadian companies to file a Form D for a private placement in the United States, we now address the questions, “What if our company missed the deadline to file a Form D with the SEC?” And, more importantly, “Have we lost our ability to rely upon the exemption?” The good news is that the exemption provided by Regulation D is not dependent upon the filing of the Form D. So, an issuer that fails to file the Form, or files it late, need not be concerned about the liability associated with a non-exempt offering. However, the failure to file exposes the issuer...

Could Your Form D Already be Late by the Date of Closing?

Canadian companies that sell securities to U.S. investors under Regulation D must file a Form D with the SEC within 15 days after “the date of first sale.” Most people would assume that the closing of the offering is the date of sale. However, in the instructions to Form D, the SEC explains that the date of first sale is “the date on which the first investor is irrevocably contractually committed to invest, which, depending on the terms and conditions of the contract, could be the date on which the issuer receives the investor’s subscription agreement or check.” Therefore, the deadline for the Form D will depend on the wording of the agreement...