Tagged: auditor attestation

20-F and 40-F Filers Don’t Get Many of the Benefits of the Amended Accelerated Filer Definition

For Form 10-K filers, the SEC’s March 12 amendments to the “accelerated filer” definition made sense and helped better coordinate the “smaller reporting company” definition with the “accelerated filer” definition. The amendments would, in part, exclude from the definition of “accelerated filer” and “large accelerated filer” issuers that are eligible to be a smaller reporting company and which do not have $100 million in revenues in their most recent fiscal year for which audited financial statements are available. As a result, the amendments will expand the number of Form 10-K filers which are exempted from having to provide an auditor attestation report on internal control over financial reporting in the annual report they...

SEC Proposes to Greatly Expand Exemption from SOX 404 Auditor Attestation Requirement

The SEC has proposed revisions to the definition of an “accelerated filer” that would exempt most companies that have both a public float of common equity of less than $700 million and annual revenues of less than $100 million from the requirements of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX 404). If adopted, these revisions would exempt many Canadian cross-reporting companies from the SOX 404 auditor attestation requirement, thereby reducing the cost of cross-border reporting. The proposal is subject to a 60-day public comment period. Additional information is available in the SEC’s press release regarding the proposed new amendments here: sec.gov/news/press-release/2019-68.